Competitor Instructions

Gosh QR
  1. Preparation - Download the Wattbike Hub App.
  2. Set Up Your Hub Account - Follow the steps within the app to create your account. Skip optional screens such as connecting to a Wattbike.
  3. Connect to the RAAM Event - Before starting your ride, scan this QR code to connect your Hub account to the Wattbike Club for the RAAM event. This will ensure all your ride data is collated after your session.
    Important: Use your device camera to scan the QR code, not the QR scanner within the Wattbike Hub app.
  4. Begin Ride - Open the Hub app and go to “quick ride”, and connect to the Wattbike in the top right hand corner by choosing the appropriate serial number. At the end of your ride, the data will sync to the Club and update on the tracking website.